Game Ready Equine-laitteella on tutkitusti saatu loistavia tuloksia mm. seuraavien vammojen hoidossa:
Hankosidevammat, Paikalliset turvotukset, Akuutit ja krooniset tulehdukset, Jännevammat, Polvi- ja polvikanavavammat, Jänispatit, Niveltulehdukset, Jännetupintulehdukset, Nivelkapselin repeämät, Jalka operaatioiden jälkihoito, Kinnervaivat, Lihasruhjeet, Lihas- ja selkäjumit, Lihas- ja nivelvenähdykset
Suomessa Game Ready Equine hoitoa tarjoavat ja käyttävät:
Kokemäki, Ravitalli Meri Elomaa, 0500-327687, ravimeri.elomaa@gmail.com
Mikkeli, Stall Blombacke, www.stallblombacke.com, 040-7476098, info@stallblombacke.com
Vaasa, Hevoshieroja Markku Patsi, 040-718 9201, markku.patsi@grhealth.fi
Eläinlääkärien suosituksia
”Kylmä, koho ja kompressio ovat jo pitkään olleet tunnettuja hoitomuotoja, joiden tieteellistä perustaa ei tarvitse kyseenalaistaa. Game Ready Equine yhdistää nämä periaatteet ainutlaatuisella tavalla ja siksi voin lämpimästi suositella laitetta nopeampaan toipumiseen”
Ell. Antero Tupamäki
”It’s a revolutionary system that helps decrease recovery time. We’ve seen this especially with bowed tendons and post-operative surgery cases. The majority of the swelling was reduced after only a few days of application.”
Dr. Alan Nixon, BVSc, MS
Cornell University
”There is firm scientific evidence that cooling the distal limbs can help to prevent acute laminitis. The Game Ready System is the first practical method of achieving effective cooling and shows fantastic potential for the prevention of laminitis in horses.”
Dr. Andrew van Eps, B.V.Sc.
New Bolton Center, University of Pennsylvania
”Until Game Ready there hadn’t been a recovery system that applied both intermittent compression and cold therapy simultaneously. Combining these two therapies in a single application gives us a capability we haven’t had before and the result has been a tremendous reduction in soft tissue swelling, thereby improving the overall healing process.”
Dr. Kent Allen, DVM
”I witnessed an appreciable reduction in swelling in an edematous limb during the first treatment with Game Ready Equine. The Game Ready System is much more rapid, more efficient, and simple compared to conventional treatments.”
Hilda Baisel, DVM
Pioneer Equine Hospital, Oakdale, California
Valmentajien ja ratsastajien suosituksia
“We use Game Ready Equine on all our horses to keep them injury free and performing at their peak. We couldn’t be happier with the results.”
Randy Hartley
Breeders of the $16 million dollar world record -breaking sale colt, Green Monkey
“Brentina had suffered a tendon strain in March 2004 and we were worried that she would not make the Olympics. We used Game Ready Equine twice a day and were able to increase the workload gradually. I am totally convinced that without Game Ready Equine, I would not have gone to Athens.”
Debbie McDonald
US Olympic Dressage Team Member
“Using Game Ready Equine I can, on average, cut my horses’ healing time in half. Relatively new, this product is going to take the horse industry by storm.”
Clinton Anderson
World Renowned Equine Clinician
“The Game Ready Equine System is an excellent way for all competitors and trainers to help prevent tendon and suspensory injuries. I use this system everyday for prevention, but the combination is what has been essential for accelerated recovery on initial or acute injuries.”
Bob Avila
Hackamore Classic Champion
“We’ve been using Game Ready every day on our horses. It is by far the best system to help keep our horses sound that we’ve ever seen.”
Jim Stachowski
Multi National Arabian Trainer